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Epic免费领取《earthlock(沉睡的大地)》游戏喜+1!epic《沉睡的大地》是一款独立开发的冒险角色扮演游戏,其灵感源自 90 年代末的经典 3D 角色扮演游戏,对回合制战斗和角色进程进行了全新演绎。




Earthlock is an indie developed, adventure RPG inspired by the classic 3D RPGs of the late 90’s, with a fresh take on turn based combat and character progression.

Discover Your Hero Within

Embark on a journey to save the beautiful world of Umbra, a harsh planet that stopped spinning thousands of cycles ago. What started as a mission to rescue Amon’s uncle from the clutches of an ancient cult, soon spirals into an adventure that was centuries in the making. You must bring together this group of unlikely heroes to stop the ruinous past from repeating itself.

The World

Explore the magical world of Umbra and discover places lost in the past to uncover the secrets of the Earthlock Artifact

The Heroes

Unite this band of heroes, all with their own journeys of self discovery and venture into the world to save the planet from the growing evil within. Mix up your strategy to beat your enemies using two different stances per character, and build your characters’ battle bond to unleash powerful abilities or unique perks.

The Battles

Dive into turn based battles on arenas in the grand tradition to explore the depths of tactical choices needed to survive the fierce boss fights.

Your Own Secret Island

Take a break from adventure and escape to your own home island. Here you can harvest magical ingredients and craft weapons, helpful items and perks.

The Overworld

With plenty of stuff to do you can lose yourself in the Overworld. Scavenge for items, pick flowers, catch cute Bibis or dig up treasures to trade or take back to Plumpet Island to concoct the strangest potions and ammunitions giving you a leg up in your next battle.

The Talent Table

EARTHLOCK features a unique talent board system; a refreshing take on the classic skill tree. This board gives you complete control over your player’s strengths and weaknesses. You can swap talents on and off the board, allowing you to finely tune each character to your desired playing style. The talent board also features “Perk Talents” which you can craft and collect in the world, giving you special combat skills and abilities.


Epic免费领取《EARTHLOCK(沉睡的大地)》游戏喜+1插图 Epic免费领取《EARTHLOCK(沉睡的大地)》游戏喜+1




2023-11-16 0:00:00


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2023-11-18 0:00:00

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