Warning: Undefined array key "night" in /www/wwwroot/dhaomu.com/wp-content/themes/b2/header.php on line 18










* vip页面
<div id="vips" v-cloak>
<div class="banner-container">
<div class="warr">
<div class="desc clearfix">
<div class="vip-current" v-if="data.user"> 
<span v-if="data.user == 'guest'">您当前为游客,请登录后操作</span> 
<span v-else-if="!data.user.vip.lv">您当前为普通用户,推荐升级成高级会员!</span>
<div v-else="">
<span v-html="data.user.vip.icon"></span>,有效期至:
<span v-text="data.user.time === 'long' ? '终身' : data.user.time"></span>
<div class="content-area vip-page wrapper">
<main id="main" class="site-main b2-radius" ref="vips">
<div class="vip-list">
<div class="vip-item" v-for="(item,index) in data.data">
<p red="" class="txt_tag"><span><b id="zx">加入{{parseInt(item.count)}}<?php echo __('人','b2'); ?><br /></b><b id="hd">加入{{parseInt(item.count)}}<?php echo __('人','b2'); ?></b></span></p>
<div class="vip-list-in">
<div class="tequan-type-head">
<h2 v-text="item.name"></h2>
<p class=lv v-if="index==0" >一对一指导服务包括远程协助</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==0" >全场隐藏资源全部可见</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==1" >一对一指导服务包括远程协助</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==1" >全场隐藏资源全部可见</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==2" >一对一指导服务包括远程协助</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==2" >全场隐藏资源全部可见</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==3" >一对一指导服务包括远程协助</p>
<p class=lv v-if="index==3" >全场需付费商品五折</p>
<p class=lv> 每日可免费下载素材:{{item.allow_download_count}}个</p> 
<div class="type2">
<div class="vip-price">
<div class="vip-price-money shu">
<span v-text="item.price"></span>
<div class="vip-price-day shu"> 
<span v-if="item.time > 0">{{item.time}}天</span> 
<span v-else="">终身</span>
<div class="vip-buy"> 
<button @click="join('vip'+index,item.name,item.price)"> <span v-if="item.allow_buy === false">续签会员</span> <span v-else="">立刻加入</span> </button>
<p align="center">温馨提示:请勿与他人共享您的账号或代下资源,<?php echo get_bloginfo('name');?>有权根据相关规定封禁违规者账号,并保留追究更大责任的权利。</p>
<div class="newvip-session newvip-sess2">
<div class="warr">
<h2 class="new-sess-head"> <span>VIP会员核心特权</span></h2>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-dingjiaziyuanwei"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-shandian"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-computer-full"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-ziyuan"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-kefu"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-f-vip"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-bianjimoban"></use>
<li><svg class="icon2" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#bd-gengduoneirong"></use>
<div class="ceo_vip_ping">
<h2 class="new-sess-head2"> <span>会员好评展示</span></h2>
<div class="deanmbavar">
<img src="https://lmtd.cn/wp-content/themes/b2/Assets/fontend/images/default-avatar.png.webp" width="80">
<div class="deanmbusename">谪仙人<b>VIP</b> </div> 
<div class="deanmbavar">
<img src="https://lmtd.cn/wp-content/themes/b2/Assets/fontend/images/default-avatar.png.webp" width="80">
<div class="deanmbusename">鱼儿游游<b>VIP</b></div> 
</p> </li>
<div class="deanmbavar">
<img src="https://lmtd.cn/wp-content/themes/b2/Assets/fontend/images/default-avatar.png.webp" width="80">
<div class="deanmbusename">初心<b>VIP</b> </div> 
<div class="vip-footer">
<h2 class="new-sess-head2"> <span>常见问题解答</span></h2>
<div class="vip-faq box">
<div class="vip-faq-list" @click.stop="showAc($event)">
<h2><?php echo __('开通VIP的好处?','b2'); ?></h2>
<p class="b2-hidden"><?php echo __('VIP会员根据等级在相应的有效期内享有本站所有资源免费下载资源的权力,免费查看隐藏内容的权力,免费查看视频的权力,同时本站商品还会获得打折价格,并且拥有其他特殊的权力。','b2'); ?></p>
<div class="vip-faq-list" @click.stop="showAc($event)">
<h2><?php echo __('VIP资源需要单独购买吗?','b2'); ?></h2>
<p class="b2-hidden"><?php echo __('不同的VIP拥有不同的权限,通常VIP会员拥有免费资格享受各种资源的权力,但不排除某些特殊情况。','b2'); ?></p>
<div class="vip-faq-list" @click.stop="showAc($event)">
<h2><?php echo __('VIP会员是否无限次下载资源?','b2'); ?></h2>
<p class="b2-hidden"><?php echo __('在遵守VIP会员协议前提下,VIP会员在会员有效期内可以下载所有免费和VIP资源。','b2'); ?></p>
<div class="vip-faq-list" @click.stop="showAc($event)">
<h2><?php echo __('是否可以与他人分享VIP会员账号?','b2'); ?></h2>
<p class="b2-hidden"><?php echo __('一个VIP账号仅限一个人使用,禁止与他人分享账号,一经发现做永久封号处理。','b2'); ?></p>
<div class="vip-faq-list" @click.stop="showAc($event)">
<h2><?php echo __('是否可以申请退款?','b2'); ?></h2>
<p class="b2-hidden"><?php echo __('VIP会员属于虚拟服务,付款后不能够申请退款。如付款前有任何疑问,联系站长处理','b2'); ?></p>
<div class="vip-faq-list" @click.stop="showAc($event)">
<h2><?php echo __('遇到付款失败,付款后没有生效怎么办?','b2'); ?></h2>
<p class="b2-hidden"><?php echo __('理论上来说正常付款后不会出现此类问题,但是也会有部分用户因为网络等原因导致在付款的过程中会有一些小插曲,如果出现类似问题,大可不必惊慌,本站所有支付都会生成订单,不管成功还是失败,所以如果真正遇到网络问题导致付款失败您又不知道是否成功,请查看自己的个人中心的订单管理,截图联系管理员处理。','b2'); ?></p>



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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /www/wwwroot/dhaomu.com/wp-content/themes/b2/functions.php on line 3914

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /www/wwwroot/dhaomu.com/wp-content/themes/b2/functions.php on line 3914
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